Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dear Taos let's work together to create a plan for bringing our businesses back up to speed after the Pandemic

Dear Taos,
As I write this, my head is swimming. This article is meant to provide you with HOPE, useful information and a plan of action we can develop together.

There are so many links being sent to me each and every day. I just don’t want to open some and others actually contain useful information. Sorting them out is a full time job at this point. (see below for links)

If you think of this as a baseball team season, we are currently 0 for 12. We NEED to turn this season around and be ready to start up again once the Town, County & State clears the way. The first priority is to unify the community as we begin to emerge from the pandemic and restore the reputation of Taos and its critical tourism economy. If potential visitors have reason to worry about their safety, they won't come. That's the problem we face now. Our advantage at this point, everyplace faces the same thing.

What I noticed, as the pandemic was sweeping across the world and before everything was shut down, was just how much visitors love Taos. There were Honeymooners arriving who couldn’t take that trip to Paris and chose Taos instead. People were arriving for their Birthdays and local grandparents were out walking around and shopping with their grandchildren once schools were shut. When the ski areas shut, visitors who had arrived to ski but couldn’t were walking around and visiting shops that hadn’t yet closed. Some visitors came to Taos just as a respite from other areas as one place after another began to shut down.

What I’m asking is that we form a committee or Taos Task Force of Taos partners who are business owners (what is referred to as ‘stakeholders’) who feel they need to be involved with a realistic plan for action. Solid team players who can respond with three important attributes, think of these as ‘pitching, catching and scoring’. 

At least 90% of businesses in Taos are Micro or Small businesses.

On Kit Carson Road there had been 29 businesses, currently there are 5 vacant storefronts. Paseo del Pueblo Norte between Taos Plaza & Bent Street there are currently 19 businesses with no indication of which will remain. These businesses and contacts are listed here: 

At this point most businesses that are waiting to see what happens are paying rent for extremely expensive, what can only be thought of at this time as ‘storage’ units. There are 73 Taos Art Galleries with no telling of which will remain in business when the pandemic is all over. 

Let’s move forward in a productive way to put together a plan, we first need to wade through all of the links that are coming in like rapid fire and condense them into HOW to make the BEST use of the information and how to deal with the Red Tape involved.
Take a look at all the information links I’ve put together listed below. Choose an information link and put it into layman’s terms, and share it with all of us, I'll put it out there on the blog. Everyone of us is new to this, as are the entities providing the resources. We need to be patient, but if we can find ways to help each other with the red tape, we begin winning. Let me know which entity you’ve chosen and can condense into how it can help and as soon as you figure it out get back to me with useful information.

We need connections to Town of Taos government officials, Taos County government officials, State government officials and organizations such as Taos Main Street and The Taos Community Foundation. If you have connections to any of them lets get them to the (at this time proverbial) table. 
As much of that information that I could gather as to the who’s who is listed below with contact information.

It seemed the shite hit the fan with the report in the Taos News of the statement made by Town Manager Rick Bellis. In my opinion this was the wrong message to be sending out at this time, he did it, it’s done. He stated that they would reassess this plan every 30 days. 

If it had been up to me I’d have said simply, ‘we are reassessing what to do every 30 days. Sometimes we will act sooner as issues arise. At this point in time we are trying to manage the situation as best as possible and are in constant contact with the office of the Governor and following the state recommendations.’ 

The link to the article is here:
Please read the article in it’s entirety, here’s the key quote in case you don’t: 
Bellis wrote in an email: “We have projected that if everything went well here, statewide, nationally and internationally, we might be open again by Labor Day, but have shifted all of our marketing and air plans ahead to next winter. We are making what we believe to be realistic business decisions for the Town.”

Speculation of this quote has arisen that perhaps the Town Manager meant to say Memorial Day, that is a question to ask him. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt. In Taos the prime season is coming up July-October. Spring Break season which we normally would have had a bump from is a complete washout. April, May, June will be difficult and we may all be closed, these months may see businesses closed as well, right now we do not know and no one should be speculating or guessing.

According to a report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 40 percent of businesses do not reopen following a disaster. On top of that, another 25 percent fail within one year. Let’s do some research on how communities that have faced disasters have come back, especially ones with a tourism economy. New Orleans, Houston, NYC, have all recovered through strong social media campaigns to reassure potential visitors that they are safe and very much still beautiful. Communication is the key to bringing in the resources and dollars that lead to a full recovery. Is is time to join marketing and strategy forces with Santa Fe, Abiquiu or other communities in New Mexico who are also being affected.

Take a look at what Albuquerque Mayor Keller announced for Micro-Businesses. Does anyone know about this and how it works? Do any of you have a connection to Mayor Keller? Is there a way we can introduce him to Mayor Barrone and the Town Manager for them to discuss how the Albuquerque plan could work in Taos?
Here’s that info of the Albuquerque plan: 


1.) Be ready on Day 1 for reopening whenever that may be. How will any of us get the word that we can reopen?

2.) Start sharing and sending in Uplifting Stories to the Albuquerque Journal, Taos News, the Town of Taos Marketing people (see below) about your business or someone else, a profile, what are you doing during the closures, how are you planning to get back on your feet, are you planning an event of some sort. Articles that may gain national attention such as Mask Makers, the recent making of Hand Sanitizer by the Taos Distillery, Couse-Sharp Foundation, & Taos Herb, Kit Carson Electric helping distribute food to children out of school, Cid’s creating elder hours in order for them to shop in an environment with fewer people. This sort of thing can be promoted and puts Taos best foot forward, and gives us all Hope. 

3.) Update ALL of your online presence this means Websites, Facebook Business Page, Google Business Page, Yelp, Trip Advisor and so on…

4.) Taos Marketing Staff and Visitor Center Staff must absolutely begin visiting businesses in TAOS as soon as we reopen. They’ve been absolutely unaware of what’s what in Taos except for a few squeaky wheels.

5.) As to rent for Small and Micro Businesses: Ask the landlord to Reduce the rent to current debt overhead. The landlord will owe Such things as: taxes, insurance, mortgage payment on the property (if they have one), no matter what. If you ask what the total cost of that is, you could negotiate to drop the rent to cover that temporarily until we find out what is going to happen as far as being able to get back up and running.
Can the town manager do something pro-active to work with landlords?
Some landlords are choosing to take rent out of deposits from renters, and not asking that it be repaid. Make sure you reiterate that once this is all over you are more valuable as a tenant than an open store front during a recession. They can’t take money you don’t have, reiterate the dire situation of your cash flow issue. There is no money coming in and all the government sponsored proposals and bills being put into place are not in place as of April 1, 2020 when rent is due for many of us. Other landlords are offering up to 6 months delay in rent and help with application processes for the stimulus recovery programs.

6.) Reasons why would it be better to visit Taos rather than someplace else. Taos in many ways is a remote sanctuary with much to offer. We also have a ‘drive circle’ of visitors, especially our Albuquerque visitors, who love Taos and think of it as a sanctuary retreat destination. Taos Marketing needs to focus attention on the drive circle ASAP

7.) Create your own blog feature stories/essays on things you love about Taos. Write about your business and the businesses of friends. I’ve been saying this for years, a blog is found in the google search engine, is easiest and free. Write 300 words with 5-10 photos. If you need help, let me know, I can either walk you through it or post your story on

8.) Try not to pack up and close down completely. If you can’t negotiate with your landlord, then you need someone who can. Let’s bring landlords to the table and ask them what are things we can do to make this easier on them as well. None of us wants to see a boarded up Taos. A storage unit fee is quite tempting at this point rather than paying rent, let’s again try to work with landlords before you make that decision.

9.) Free Parking for the rest of 2020 from the town. Ticketing visitors as they return would send a bad signal. Maybe Tax Free shopping on weekdays as well?

10.) Is the town of Taos willing to work with a Task Force of business owners right now? Not squeaky wheels but people who can brainstorm and work on an actionable plan.

11.) Research how other areas have recovered after enormous disasters.

12.) Landmark Events that we can look forward to. Taos Pueblo Return of Blue Lake 50th Anniversary 2020, DH Lawrence Arrival to Taos 2022, Georgia O'Keeffe Arrival to Taos 2029, Exhibits at the Taos Museums. Can the Taos Lilac Festival be saved as a drive through Taos event?

‘Social Distancing’ may indeed be the new normal. Working together is how the human race has survived for thousands of years. There are few answers, let’s start working together ask the questions and share the answers with each other.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this information, if you have anything to add to this please email it to me. I am willing to meet in person any official or concerned business owner who can talk strategy and ideas with me one on one even if that means we stand a car length away from each other.
Robert Cafazzo/Two Graces 575-770-5580

Please Note: Links are unavailable in some cases as information and resources change hourly.

I will continue to make updates for to add more links as they come in.

Taos Main Street
Charles Whitson
575-224-6344 or 505-977-1868
Main Street America seems to have more current information:

Taos Chamber of Commerce
Lindsay Pfaff Bain 575-751-8800

Taos Community Foundation
Lisa O' Brien

Taos Entrepreneurial Network 

New Mexico Hospitality Network

State of New Mexico

Town of Taos Officials 
Mayor Dan Barrone Phone: 575-751-2002 575-758-1506 
Cell: 575-770-7255 &

Council Members
Nathaniel Evans Phone: 575-751-2002 Cell: 575-779-2104
Darien Fernandez Phone: 575-751-2002 Cell: 575-779-6792
George Fritz Hahn Phone: 575-751-2002 Cell: 575-613-3978
Pascuelito Maestas Phone: 575-751-2002 Cell: 575-779-3357

Town Manager
Rick Bellis

Taos Director of Marketing & Tourism
Karina Armijo 737-5849
Taos Marketing
Marissa Le 575-528-8682
The Waite Company 505-433-3495
Taos Marketing Board Chair
David Mapes 575-770-5733 & 758-7113

This link is of the declaration for Taos Closures and what businesses are considered essential.

State & Federal Programs information

Taos County Commissioners
Tom Blankenhorn 770-9410
Jim Fambro  779-2445
Mark Gallegos 779-4203
Candyce O’Donnnell 779-0319
Gabriel Romero 741-1634

State Senators & Representatives
Martin Heinrich 202-224-5521
Ben Ray Lujan 202-225-6190  
Assistant Chris Garcia 
Advisor Joe Shoemaker 202-226-4256  505-503-3043

State Of NM Officials
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham 505-476-2200 (505)827-3000
Roberto Bobby Gonzales 575-770-3178
Susan K Herrera 505-986-4229 505-579-0092
Joseph L. Sanchez 505-986-4433

State of NM

New Mexico Workforce Connection this has info of how to apply for
Unemployment if you are self employed
Online System at

US Government Cares Act

US Small Business Administration or 505-469-6204
There is also this
Mark Roper, or 575.562.0327

US Chamber Links and Helpful Info

These are the contacts in the tourism department 
Department of Workforce Solutions 505-841-8437
Economic Development Department 505-827-0300
Tourism Department 505-827-7400
Department of Health 1-833-551-0518
Regulation and Licensing Department 505-476-4500
Susan Kavanaugh 505-827-7469
Cody Johnson 505-470-0060
Suzy Lawrence 505-795-0343
Brianna Gallegos 505-469-2739
James Beard Foundation
This is a small grant for restaurants on a first come first served basis, the website is currently down

Verizon Small Business Recovery

Airbnb Recovery for Superhosts

American Express Financial Hardship info for small Bussiness Loans, I believe this is for women & minorities

Facebook Small Business Grants

Resource page with a great deal of links to information sources

Here’s what Salt Lake City is doing to retain businesses